Hon. Ryan Davis
Commissioner, Superior Court of Sacramento County
Current Term: September 15, 2024−September 14, 2026
Membership: Advisory member appointed by Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero
Internal Committees: Rules Committee
Commissioner Ryan Davis joined the Superior Court of Sacramento County in 2023. He initially presided over traffic, small claims, and unlawful detainer cases, and now presides over a family law department. Prior to the bench, Commissioner Davis served as a Deputy Attorney General at California’s Department of Justice, where he represented Californians in a variety of complex legal cases, including work surrounding constitutional and statutory law, government operations, elections, state mandates, criminal law, and firearms. Before that, he spent a decade representing men and women on California’s death row in post-conviction proceedings, including at the Office of the State Public Defender and at the Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Central District of California.
As an adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Commissioner Davis teaches a course on capital punishment and related constitutional issues. He received a juris doctor degree from Berkeley Law in 2009.