Hon. Maria Lucy Armendariz
Judge, Superior Court of Los Angeles County
Current Term: September 15, 2022–September 14, 2025
Membership: Voting member appointed by Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye
Internal Committees: Legislation Committee, Vice-Chair; Judicial Branch Budget Committee
Judge Lucy Armendariz was appointed to the Superior Court of Los Angeles County in 2018. She currently serves as assistant supervising judge of criminal division (Traffic). She was first appointed to the bench in 2007 at the State Bar Court where she served as Supervising Judge and maintained a heavy docket of cases that included trials, motion hearings and settlement conferences.
Judge Armendariz has extensive experience in the other two branches of government. She served as Chief of Staff to the Senate Majority Leader and gained extensive experience at the Capitol in Sacramento through her service as Counsel to both the Senate and Assembly Committees on Public Safety. Governor Gray Davis appointed Judge Armendariz as the first Ombudsman for women’s prisons in California.
Judge Armendariz currently serves as a commissioner on the California Commission on Access to Justice and on the Committee to Review the Operations and Structure of the Commission on Judicial Performance. She has also volunteered her time as a commissioner to the Supreme Court Blue Ribbon Commission on Foster Care and as a Board Member of Leadership California, an organization dedicated to advancing the leadership role of women and girls. She is involved in many mentoring organizations and serves as an advisory board member to Latina Lawyers Bar Association, East Los Angeles Community College Pathway to Law, and Roosevelt High School Law and Public Service Magnet.