Advisory Committees

Remote Access to Electronic Court Records Working Group

Review existing rules of court related to remote access to electronic trial and appellate court records in light of the council’s adopted Remote Access to Electronic Court Records—Policy, Rationale, and Guidance.

  • Hon. Ann C. Moorman, Chair, Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Mendocino
  • Hon. Maria D. Hernandez, Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Orange
  • Hon. James M. Humes, Administrative Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, Division One
  • Mr. Jake Chatters, Court Executive Officer, Superior Court of California, County of Placer
  • Ms. Rachel Hill, Attorney at Law, Law Office of Rachel Hill and Hill Mediation Services
  • Ms. Gretchen Nelson, Attorney at Law, Nelson & Fraenkel LLP
  • Ms. Anabel Z. Romero, Court Executive Officer, Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino

Judicial Council Staff to the Workgroup

  • Ms. Jessica Devencenzi, Lead Staff, Principal Advisor, Policy and Research, Judicial Council of California

Date established

The Remote Access to Electronic Court Records Working Group will review existing rules of court related to remote access to electronic trial and appellate court records in light of the council’s adopted Remote Access to Electronic Court Records—Policy, Rationale, and Guidance.  In its review of existing rules of court, the working group is responsible for determining which rules of court fall under the Legislature’s purview and which rules fall under the council’s purview. 

Policy and Research