Past Meetings
Judicial Council Technology Committee Past MeetingsMembers
The Judicial Council Technology Committee (JCTC) is an Internal Judicial Council Committee comprised of Judicial Council members and two advisory members. The JCTC reports directly to the Judicial Council. Members are appointed by the Chief Justice for a one-year term. The membership term runs from September 15 – September 14.
- Hon. Kyle S. Brodie, Chair Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino
- Hon. Maria D. Hernandez, Vice-Chair, Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Orange
- Hon. C. Todd Bottke, Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Tehama
- Hon. Carol A. Corrigan, Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court
- Ms. Rachel W. Hill, Attorney at Law
- Mr. Charles Johnson, Clerk/Executive Officer, Court of Appeal, First Appellate District
- Mr. Darrel E. Parker, Court Executive Officer Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara
- Mr. Craig M. Peters, Attorney at Law
Information Technology Advisory Committee Liaison
- Hon. Sheila F. Hanson, Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Orange
Judicial Council Staff to the Committee
- Ms. Jessica Goldstein, Information Technology, Judicial Council of California
- Ms. Joselyn Nussbaum, Information Technology, Judicial Council of California
News & reports
Strategic Plan for Court Technology (2023-2026)
At its December 2, 2022 meeting, the council adopted an update to the judicial branch’s Strategic Plan for Technology. The updated plan supersedes the 2019-2022 plan and was developed by analyzing the previous judicial branch technology goals, business drivers, and objectives, as well as by evaluating the benefits and outcomes, and was subsequently refined following circulation for branch and public comment. This plan provides a comprehensive and cohesive technology strategy, with clear, measurable goals and objectives at the branch level. Full report and agenda item from the December 2, 2022 Judicial Council meeting. View Video
Tactical Plan for Technology (2023-2024)
At its July 21, 2023 meeting, the Judicial Council approved an update to the judicial branch’s tactical plan, which focuses on enhancing electronic access to courts and court services, and promoting more efficient business practices. The plan identifies specific initiatives the judicial branch is pursuing, in areas such as case management systems, electronic records, remote video appearances, language access services, online dispute resolution, security, and data analytics. Full report, presentation, and agenda item from the July 21, 2023 Judicial Council meeting. View Video
Tactical Plan for Technology (2021-2022)
At its March 12, 2021 meeting, the Judicial Council approved an update to the judicial branch’s tactical plan, which focuses on enhancing electronic access to courts and court services, and promoting more efficient business practices. The plan identifies specific initiatives the judicial branch is pursuing, in areas such as case management systems, electronic records, remote video appearances, language access services, online dispute resolution, security, and data analytics. Full report, presentation, and agenda item from the March 12, 2021 Judicial Council meeting. View Video
Tactical Plan for Technology (2019-2020)
At its May 17, 2019 meeting, the Judicial Council approved an update to the judicial branch’s tactical plan, which focuses on enhancing electronic access to courts and court services, and promoting more efficient business practices. The plan identifies specific initiatives the judicial branch is pursuing, in areas such as case management systems, electronic records, remote video appearances, language access services, online dispute resolution, security, and data analytics. Full report, presentation, and agenda item from the May 17, 2019 Judicial Council meeting. View Video
Strategic Plan for Court Technology (2019 – 2022)
The council adopted an update to the judicial branch’s Strategic Plan for Technology. The plan establishes a roadmap for technology solutions that will enhance electronic access to court services and information. Plans for the “digital court,” will not only allow courts to operate more efficiently but will significantly broaden access to the courts for litigants, lawyers, justice partners, and the public. View Video
Electronic Filing Standards and Policies on Electronic Filing Managers
The Judicial Council approved, effective July 1, 2016, technical information exchange standards for e-filing and directed ITAC to develop a plan for implementation of these standards. Full report, presentation, and agenda item from June 24, 2016 Judicial Council meeting.
Court Technology Update
At its February 26, 2016 meeting, the council received an update on the implementation of the Judicial Council-adopted Court Technology Governance and Strategic Plan, including how technology solutions are improving business processes, operations, and service to the public. The council heard from the Superior Court of Plumas County on its collaboration with other small courts to share resources for their case management systems. The council heard from the Superior Court of Los Angeles County on how it improved its traffic court, including online services that help court users make payments, schedule appearances, and access a virtual assistant that walks them through the process. The council also heard from its IT staff on statewide efforts to improve e-filing, web services, document management, and court websites.
View video.
Judicial Branch Technology Update: Statewide and Court Technology Advancements
At its public meeting on December 11, 2015, the Judicial Council received an update on the implementation of the Judicial Council adopted Court Technology Governance and Strategic Plan including the governance structure, collaboration between the Council and the courts, and the workstream model. The report will highlight the Information Systems Controls Framework for the Judicial Council and the Information Technology Security Framework workstream, an outcome from the California State Auditor’s Report from December 2013 regarding the Judicial Branch Procurement Audit, as well as innovative programs accomplished by the trial courts.
Information Systems Controls Framework: "How to Use" Guide and Checklist
Approved by the Judicial Council Technology Committee and the Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC). Prepared by the ITAC Information Security Framework Workstream October 2015. Full report to the Judicial Council, October 8, 2015.
Court Technology Governance and Strategic Plan
Prepared by the Technology Planning Task Force
Effective August 2014 and Revised effective October 2014
- Executive Summary
- Governance and Funding Model
- Strategic Plan (Current 2023-2026 version)
- Tactical Plan (Current 2023-2024 version)
The Judicial Council approved the updated Court Technology Governance and Strategic Plan
At its public meeting on October 27 and 28, 2014, the Judicial Council approved a recommendation from its Technology Committee on an updated governance and strategic plan for court technology. This plan represents the work of the Technology Planning Task Force that was authorized by the Chief Justice in February 2013, whose charge was to develop a strategic plan, a tactical plan, technical guidelines, and opportunities for courts to collaborate along with a sustainable funding model for technology. At the August 2014 Council meeting, this plan was approved with the understanding it would come back to the Council at the October meeting with updates related to language access. With the submittal of the plan to the Council in August, the task force has sunset. The updated plan incorporates the additional feedback provided by the Joint Working Group for California’s Language Access Plan.
The Judicial Council Approved the Court Technology Governance and Strategic Plan
At its public meeting on August 21-22, 2014, the Judicial Council approved a recommendation from its Technology Committee on a governance and strategic plan for court technology. The plan provides a structure and roadmap for technology initiatives and will increase the transparency and accountability of how funds are managed for technology projects in the judicial branch.“The courts need an updated technology plan in order to better serve the public and our users by keeping the electronic courthouse doors open,” said Judge James E. Herman, advisory member of the Judicial Council and chair of its Technology Committee. “The Chief Justice has made it clear that remote access through technology is a vital part of her 3D access to justice program. These planning documents are a grassroots effort involving 19 trial courts and 3 appellate courts, supported by the Judicial Council's Information Technology staff. The effort has also benefitted from input provided by presiding judges, branch stakeholders, and the public.” The Judicial Council directed creation of the technology plan in August 2012. Creating the technology plan also involved input from the Legislature and the executive branch, as well as posting it online for public comment.
May 22, 2014:
Public Comment Sought on Proposed Plan for Court Technology
Jan 23, 2014:
The task force's proposal, reviewed and approved in concept by the Judicial Council on Jan 23, to be used in support of the budget change proposal process for technology initiatives will be posted soon for public comment. Once comment is gathered and reviewed, the task force will re-submit it for final approval at a future council meeting. See council's post-meeting news release.
Feb 6, 2013:
Date established
(as CCMS Internal Committee); officially renamed with a new purpose as the Technology Committee in June 2012.
Committee Purpose
Oversees the council’s policies concerning technology and is responsible in partnership with the courts for coordinating with the Administrative Director of the Courts and all internal committees, advisory committees, commissions, working groups, task forces, justice partners and stakeholders on technological issues relating to the branch and the courts. The committee is responsible for ensuring that council policies are complied with and that specific projects proceed on schedule and within scope and budget. The committee seeks reports and recommendations from the Administrative Director, the courts and stakeholders on technology issues. It ensures that technology reports to the council are clear, comprehensive, and provide relevant options so that the council can make effective final technology policy decisions. The committee reports on technology affecting the branch and courts at each Judicial Council meeting.
The Rule of Court specific to the Technology Committee can be found here and is copied below.
Rule 10.16. Technology Committee
(a) Technology policies
The Technology Committee oversees the council's policies concerning information technology. The committee assists the council by providing technology recommendations focusing on the establishment of policies that emphasize long-term strategic leadership and that align with judicial branch goals. The committee is responsible for determining that council policies are complied with on specific projects approved and funded by the council and that those projects proceed on schedule and within scope and budget.
(Subd (a) amended effective September 1, 2015.)
(b) Coordination
The committee coordinates the activities of the Administrative Director, council internal committees and advisory committees, the courts, justice partners, and stakeholders on matters relating to court information technology. The committee also, in collaboration or consultation with the Legislation Committee, coordinates with other branches of government on information technology issues.
(Subd (b) amended effective April 16, 2020; previously amended effective September 1, 2015, and January 1, 2016.)
(c) Reports
The committee seeks reports and recommendations from the Administrative Director, the courts, and stakeholders on information technology issues. It ensures that information technology reports to the council are clear, are comprehensive, and provide relevant options so that the council can make effective final information technology policy decisions.
(d) Strategic and tactical technology plans
(1) Strategic technology plan
The strategic technology plan describes the technology goals for the branch. With input from advisory committees and individual courts, the committee is responsible for developing and recommending a strategic technology plan for the branch and the courts.
(2) Tactical technology plan
The tactical technology plan outlines the technology initiatives and projects that provide a road map for achieving the goals in the strategic technology plan. The committee provides oversight approval and prioritization of the tactical technology plan, which is developed and recommended by advisory committees with input from the courts.
(Subd (d) adopted effective September 1, 2015.)
(e) Technology needs, standards, and systems
The committee will, in partnership with the courts, develop timelines and recommendations to the council for:
(1) Establishing an approach and vision for implementing information technology that serves the courts, litigants, attorneys, justice partners, and the public, while considering available resources and information technology needs;
(2) Improving judicial branch information technology governance to best serve the implementation of technological solutions;
(3) Reviewing and recommending information technology standards; and
(4) Encouraging the courts to leverage their collective economic purchasing power in acquiring technological systems.
(Subd (e) amended and relettered effective September 1, 2015; adopted as subd (d).)
(f) Sponsorship of branchwide technology initiatives
The committee may act as executive sponsor of branchwide technology initiatives under the workstream model in rule 10.53(c).
(Subd (f) adopted effective September 1, 2015.)
(g) Funding of branchwide technology initiatives and projects
The committee reviews, prioritizes, and recommends requests for the funding of branchwide technology initiatives and projects with input from advisory committees. Factors to be considered by the committee include overall return on investment, business risk, alignment with the technology goals approved by the council in the strategic technology plan, and the availability of sufficient funding from an identifiable funding source.
(Subd (g) adopted effective September 1, 2015.)
(h) Collaboration and consultation with the committee
Other committees and advisory bodies should collaborate or consult with the committee (1) before making decisions or recommendations on technology policies, standards, and projects, and (2) before recommending funding priorities or making recommendations to approve funding requests for branchwide technology initiatives and projects.
(Subd (h) adopted effective September 1, 2015.)
(i) Oversight of advisory committees and other bodies
In addition to performing its oversight responsibilities under rule 10.10(h), the Technology Committee oversees the branchwide technology initiatives sponsored by each advisory body for which it is responsible.
(Subd (i) amended effective January 1, 2019; adopted as subd (e); amended and relettered effective September 1, 2015.)
Rule 10.16 amended effective April 16, 2020; adopted effective February 20, 2014; previously amended effective September 1, 2015, January 1, 2016, and January 1, 2019.