Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Learn how Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) can help resolve disputes without a trial.
Collaborative Justice Courts
Collaborative justice courts take a team approach to decision making, integrating social, judicial, and community resources.
Community Outreach
Efforts to improve the courts are ongoing, and engaging with court leaders and the general public are top priorities.
Criminal Justice Programs
Managing Criminal Justice initiatives for the benefit of California courts, justice partners, and the public.
Domestic Violence
Find information and educational resources that address cases involving domestic violence in California.
Equal Access
Materials available for courts, court-based self-help programs, and other nonprofit providers of legal self-help services including sample instructional handouts, translations, program models and evaluation tools.
Learn how the Facilities program manages new construction, renovations, maintenance, and real estate for trial and appellate courts throughout the state.
For Families & Children
Learn about programs that serve the diverse needs of children, youth, parents, families, and other users of the California courts.
Judicial Fellowship Program
This internship program is a unique opportunity to participate in court administration, policymaking, program analysis, development, and implementation and to gain first-hand experience in the governance and leadership of the most diverse, complex court system in the nation.
JusticeCorps recruits and trains 250 diverse university students annually to serve in overburdened legal self-help centers throughout California.
Language Access Services
Find statewide resources for courts, justice partners and court interpreters to ensure that limited English proficient (LEP) court users receive meaningful access to language services in the courts.
Tribal/State Programs
Learn about policies and programs that help ensure the highest quality of justice for California’s Native American communities.