Advisory Bodies Archive

Mental Health Issues Implementation Task Force

The Mental Health Issues Implementation Task Force was charged with identifying the recommendations under Judicial Council purview, and developed a plan for judicial branch and interbranch implementation activities to improve court, criminal justice and mental health services outcomes for adults and juvenile offenders with mental illness, ensure fair and expeditious administration of justice, and promote improved access to treatment for litigants in the justice system.

Open meeting policy
The Chair may seek a recommendation from the members of the Mental Health Issues Implementation Task Force on whether all or part of any meeting should be open or closed.  Members of the public who attend open meetings are encouraged to remain orderly. 


Date established

Sunset Date: December 31, 2015

Mental Health Issues Implementation Task Force

The Judicial Council’s Mental Health Issues Implementation Task Force advised the council on implementation of the  key recommendations issued by the Task Force for Criminal Justice Collaboration on Mental Health Issues (July 2007-June 2011). The Mental Health Issues Implementation Task Force was charged with identifying the recommendations under Judicial Council purview, and with developing a plan for judicial branch and inter-branch implementation activities. Implementation of the task force recommendations is designed to improve court, criminal justice and mental health services outcomes for adults and juvenile offenders with mental illness, ensure fair and expeditious administration of justice, and promote improved access to treatment for litigants in the justice system.

Task Force for Criminal Justice Collaboration on Mental Health Issues

The Judicial Council’s Mental Health Issues Implementation Task Force advised the council on implementation of the  key recommendations issued by the Task Force for Criminal Justice Collaboration on Mental Health Issues (July 2007-June 2011).

For more information about the task force please contact:

Carrie Zoller
Supervising Attorney
Center for Families, Children & the Courts | Operations & Programs Division
Judicial Council of California