Photo of San Joaquin County, Juvenile Justice Center Renovation/Expansion
San Joaquin County

Juvenile Justice Center Renovation/Expansion


The Superior Court of San Joaquin County provides countywide juvenile court services from the Juvenile Justice Center in French Camp, approximately six miles south of Stockton. The previous two-courtroom facility was part of a campus occupied by various county functions, including the juvenile detention center, probation, district attorney, and public defender. The facility had several deficiencies related to security, efficiency, and accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The renovation project involved renovating the existing facility and building a 4,000-square-foot addition to:

  • Increase the capacity for juvenile court proceedings by adding a third courtroom, thereby providing space for a new judgeship;
  • Improve the lobby by correctly placing security screening in a functional and appropriately sized space; and
  • Modify public restrooms and public counters for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.


The Judicial Council complied with CEQA by filing a categorical exemption for this project on March 8, 2011.