Civil Law

Evaluation of the Centers for Complex Civil Litigation Pilot Program (June 2003)
The National Center for State Courts' final report evaluating the effectiveness of the program, including key findings and recommendations.

Study of California Class Action Litigation (March 9, 2009)
A multi-year, case file review-based study of California class action litigation between 2000 and 2006.

Study of California Class Action Litigation

The Study of California Class Action Litigation was undertaken in collaboration with the University of California Hastings College of the Law to provide previously unavailable data about class action litigation in the state, as well as to promote more informed policy and practice discussions about this often controversial litigation tool.

Fact Sheet

Report: Class Certification in California
The second interim report focuses on class certification and includes analyses of certification rates, impact on case duration, and case outcome after certification.

Report: Findings of the Study of California Class Action Litigation, 2000-2006
The first interim report includes class action filings and disposition analyses, as well as an evaluation of the impact of the Class Action Fairness Act on the California state judiciary.

Data Points: Highlights from the Study of California Class Action Litigation
An overview of the major findings from the first interim report.

Contact: Hilary Hehman, Office of Court Research, sends email)