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JCC Web Standards & Usability Guidelines

User Experience (UX) Strategy

Design Principles

Like almost all other government websites, we strive for ease-of-use, simplicity, and a strong focus on meeting user needs. The following list of design principles follows closely those established by www.gov.uk. You can read more about their principles here.

  1. Focus on User Needs: define the need and the user task before focusing on design. Define the business requirements before imagining the design requirements.
  2. Design with Data: the JCC Web Services team has a robust web analytics program to monitor site traffic and identify trends. We employ real world data into our design solutions.
  3. Iterate. Then iterate again: a website is an evolving e-service delivery channel. User testing, measurement, trial and error are all standard practices in building websites.
  4. Build digital services, not websites: a service fills a need and delivers value for users. Information is a service. A form is a service. We have to think about all aspects of service in our quest to meet user needs.
  5. Make things better: We support continuous improvement through user feedback, testing, and a dedication to serving the public, our courts, and our colleagues.

Our User Experience Strategy

A key component of our user experience strategy is to consolidate previously fragmented JCC web sites and employ a cohesive visual brand identity to unite judicial branch websites.

Today, that design is visible on our California Courts website, on several judicial branch “partner” sites, and more than 30 trial courts websites throughout the state.

We follow the ‘User-Centered Design’ principle of placing an emphasis on meeting user needs, and not on which Division or Unit actually produced the content. The commitment to user-centered design is consistent with the trend in government to provide simple, easy-to-use sites that deliver value to customers and partners.


There are three main judicial branch audiences, with Partner audiences overlapping both the public and branch worlds:

Audience Diagram

California Courts (Public) Website

Audience: General public (including potential jurors and legal self-help seekers), attorneys, court personnel.


Partner Sites

Audience: Justice partners, social service organizations, and other specialized audiences dealing with or needing technical information on specific JCC-sponsored programs and initiatives.



Audience: Judges, Court Executive Officers, Court Managers, Judicial Officers/Commissioners, Judicial Council, Advisory committee members, and all JCC Staff.

JCC Intranet (The HUB)

Audience: JCC employees.