Where to file your small claims case

Each county has its own small claims court. You need to figure out which county you can file in. This is called venue.

Figure out which court to file in

Usually, you must file your case in the county where the other side lives or does business. But, there are some cases where you have options.

Examples of when you may have other options:

Find the address of the courthouse

Once you know which county court, you need the courthouse's address to put on the forms you file to start your case. You can find courthouse addresses and contact information on Find My Court.

Sometimes larger counties have multiple courthouses where you can file a small claims case. If there are multiple courthouses where you live, you may need to ask a clerk or check the court's website to make sure you're filing in the right one. 

Small claims

What's next?

Once you know where you can file, start filling out your court form that starts your case.

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