Juvenile Dependency Legal Representation in Santa Cruz Superior Court RFI CFCC-2023-51-DM
The objective of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information on qualified law firms or individuals that can provide dependency representation for parents and children clients (currently this is estimated at 170 parent and 230 child clients) in dependency proceedings for the Santa Cruz Superior Court.
The Judicial Council requests that interested law firms or individuals present information on their resources, capabilities, experience, and qualifications.
All interested parties must submit an electronic version of the entire response marked “Response to RFI # CFCC-2023-51-DM to be transmitted by email to the Judicial Council’s single Point of Contact (POC) the solicitations mailbox at solicitations@jud.ca.gov. All submissions are due September 1, 2023, no later than 1:00 p.m. (PDT).
The RFI number CFCC-2023-51-DM must be included in the subject line of all communications.