Information Systems Security Outreach Program, RFP-IT-2023-03-LP

Update: July 20, 2023
Notice of Cancellation

Update: July 14, 2023
Technical Scores

Update: June 9, 2023
Addendum No. 1


Update: May 22, 2023
Questions and Answers


RFP#:  IT-2023-03-LP
RFP Title:
 Information Systems Security Outreach Program

The Judicial Council of California (Judicial Council), chaired by the Chief Justice of California, is the chief policy-making agency of the California judicial branch. The California Constitution directs the Judicial Council to improve the administration of justice by surveying judicial business, recommending improvements to the courts, and making recommendations annually to the Governor and the Legislature. The Judicial Council also adopts rules for court administration, practice, and procedure, and performs other functions prescribed by law.

The Information Technology Office coordinates court technology initiatives statewide and supports coordination throughout the judicial branch, manages centralized statewide technology projects, and optimizes the scope and accessibility of accurate statewide judicial information.

This RFP is being issued to source a qualified vendor to operate and administer an Information Systems Security Outreach Program that assists courts and the Judicial Council with the assessment of compliance with information systems security controls.  The initial term will be three (3) years, with two (2) one-year options.

Questions regarding this RFP must be directed to and must be received no later than 1:00 PM (PT), May 12, 2023

Proposals must be received no later than 1:00 PM (PT), May 26, 2023

Further details regarding the solicitation are set forth in RFP Number: IT-2023-03-LP and related documents are provided below.


Request for Proposal


Attachment 1Administrative Rules Governing RFPs (IT Goods and Services)
Attachment 2Terms and Conditions
Attachment 3Proposer’s Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
Attachment 4General Certifications Form
Attachment 5Small Business Declaration
Attachment 6Payee Data Record Form (STD 204)
Attachment 7Payee Data Record Supplement (STD 205)
Attachment 8Iran Contracting Act Certification
Attachment 9 Unruh and FEHA Certification
Attachment 10Darfur Contracting Act Certification
Attachment 11Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment 12Bidder Declaration
Attachment 13DVBE Declaration
Attachment 14Cost Worksheet