Divorce Forms

All California courts use the same basic set of forms for divorce. You can find the most commonly-used forms on this page. If you are not sure which forms to use, talk to your Self-Help Center or a lawyer.

Some courts have special local forms too. To see if you will need any special local forms, contact your court clerk or check your court’s website.


Looking for copies of divorce papers? Contact the court where you or your spouse filed the case.

Before you start

You can get a divorce without a lawyer. This guide can help you with the process. Your court's Self-Help Center staff can help you with forms and offer legal information. If you have a lot of property or debt, you can hire a lawyer to help with all or part of your case.

Knowing which forms you need is not easy, even if it seems like it is. Click the link in the Guide column after each form name and purpose to learn more about each of the forms and when you need them. 

Start a divorce

One spouse (or domestic partner) files papers to start the case and officially lets the other spouse know. Then the other spouse has a chance to file a response. ​The spouse that first filed divorce papers must share financial information with their spouse. 

Respond to divorce

To respond to divorce or legal separation papers (a Petition), your first step is to fill out a Response form. This tells the court how you want things like custody of children, property and support handled.

If you have an agreement or don't want to let your spouse move the case forward without your input, explore your options

Make Decisions

To finish your divorce or legal separation, you need to decide how you'll divide property and debts​, whether anyone will pay spousal support​, and how you will care for and support your children (if you have them).

You can do this by working with your spouse (or domestic partner) to reach an agreement. If you can't agree you can ask the court to decide.

Step-by-Step Agreement Guide

Finalize your Divorce

To finish your divorce or legal separation, you must turn in a set of final forms. If you have any court orders or an agreement, you submit those as well. The court will review these forms to be sure nothing is missing and no mistakes on the forms. If not, the judge will sign the final form (the judgment). If you asked for a divorce, the judgment will state the exact day your marriage or domestic partnership officially ends.

The steps you need to take and forms you need to fill out vary a bit depending on:

- If there's a default 

- If you have a written agreement 

- If your final orders address child custody or child support

Answer 2 questions and get the right instructions for finishing your divorce based on your situation. 

Get instructions

Ask for, change, or end spousal support

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