Judicial Council Staff

The Judicial Council staff supports the council in performing its functions. Council staff report to the Administrative Director, who serves as the Secretary of the Judicial Council.

Administrative Leadership 

The Administrative Director is accountable to the Judicial Council and to the Chief Justice for the performance of Judicial Council staff. The Administrative Director serves as the Judicial Council Secretary and is charged with accomplishing the council's goals and priorities. 

Shelley Curran portrait
Administrative Director
Shelley Curran


Robert Oyung portrait
Chief Deputy Director
Robert Oyung
Selena Chow
Chief Operating Officer
Salena Chow

Organizational Chart 

Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) Report (Data as of December 31, 2021.)

Human Resources/Staffing

Monthly staffing numbers organized by fiscal year.

California Courts Newsroom Judicial Council of California

Contact Info

Judicial Council of California

455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102-3688
Phone: 415-865-4200