On My Way to Court
Click here for your clue and to see a game that you can print and color! Then circle all the things that you saw on your way to court today. If you saw a horse, then circle the horse. If you wish, draw other things you saw on the game.
Now play the game with your friends!
1-4 players can play.
Use coins, paperclips, or erasers as game pieces.
Drop 3 extra coins on a flat surface. Count the number of heads and move ahead that number.
- If there is 1 head and 2 tails, move forward 1 space.
- If there are 2 heads and 1 tail, move forward 2 spaces.
- If there are 3 heads and no tails, move forward 3 spaces.
- If there are no heads and 3 tails, do not move.
When you land on a space, follow the instructions on that space. The first player to get to the courthouse wins.
At the end of the game, make sure everyone gets their game pieces back.