Services to Trial Courts on Transactional Matters Administrative Office of the Courts

Services to Trial Courts on Transactional Matters Administrative Office of the Courts

Welcome to the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) site for Legal Advice and Assistance to Trial Courts on Transactional Matters.

A Request for Proposals (RFP) was originally issued on October 10, 2001. The Judicial Council has authorized funding to implement the Trial Court Transactional Assistance Program ("Program") beginning in fiscal year 2001-2002. The Program was developed to assist trial courts in obtaining competent, qualified counsel to assist trial courts with contract and procurement matters. Service providers will review and draft contracts and other procurement documents, negotiate the terms of transactions, and to provide advice about contract and procurement matters.

The program includes the following elements:

  • The AOC will negotiate the rate for each transactional service provider with which it contracts. A budget and projected completion date will be established for each assignment.
  • Services provided will be related to contract and procurement matters. These may include, for example, review of contract and procurement documents presented to the trial courts, consultation with and representation of trial courts in negotiations, and provision of legal advice about contract and procurement matters.
  • Service providers will enter into a master contract for the provision of services for the current fiscal year. Upon receipt of a request for assistance on a contract or procurement matter from a trial court, the AOC will identify and retain the most appropriate service provider for the particular assignment. The AOC cannot make any representations about the amount of work or number of assignments that may be given to a service provider.

Proposals may be submitted by interested service providers at any time. The AOC will select, from the responses to this Request for Proposals, transactional service providers qualified to provide assistance to trial courts. Service providers will be selected from different geographical areas of the state.

For further information regarding this RFP, please contact Bradley Heinz, Senior Attorney, at (415) 865-7671.

RFP for Legal Advice and Other Services to Trial Courts on Transactional Matters