Cell Phone Problems - Consumer Resources

Federal Government Websites

Cramming - Unauthorized Charges on Your Phone Bill
Information about cramming of unauthorized charges on phone bills, and help filing complaints. By the Federal Communications Commission.

Understanding Your Telephone Bill
Explains the kinds of charges on wired and wireless telephone bills, and gives help to file complaints. By the Federal Communications Commission.

'One Ring' Wireless Phone Scam
Information about the ‘one-ring’ wireless phone scam, and help filing complaints. By the Federal Communications Commission.

California Government Websites

Telecommunications Education for California
This website gives consumers information about telecommunications services and features. By the California Public Utilities Commission.

Consumer Affair Branch Website
It has information about disputes and resolution of issues with regulated utilities. From the California Public Utility Commission.

Filing a Complaint - Consumer Information Center
This webpage provides information and helps with filing a complaint against a public utility company, moving company and passenger carriers. From the California Public Utility Commission.

Telephone Consumer Information Center
Provides information about telephone and common consumer issues. From the California Public Utility Commission.


Checking Your Phone Bill
Help understanding the different parts of your telephone bill. By Consumer Action.